Designed and implemented platform for autonomous vehicle data management in cities across the globe

User Research, UX Design, Wireframing, Prototyping

Building Engines

Modernized and increased efficiency of platform used to manage buildings and properties

Sprint Leading, User Research, UX Design, Information Architecture, Wireframing


Optimized method for increasing time and accuracy among delivery drivers

UX Design, Wireframing, Prototyping


Re-designed website and created a portal for users to make personalized accounts

UX Design, Visual Design, Wireframing


Led design sprints to brainstorm and kickoff development of a new exploratory audio application

Sprint Leading, UX Design, Visual Design, Wireframing, Prototyping


Lead designer, in charge of in-house design endeavors. Projects included reimagining the gamification of the platform, designing a methodology for user-created campaigns, and prototyping a unified-modules application.

User Research, UX Design, Wireframing, Prototyping


Having nearly five years of UX, interaction, and product design experience plus an additional five years experience in business consulting and growth marketing, I have a unique perspective on what makes good design. With these skills I help companies and individuals best deliver their products and services.

My designs are focused on user-centered improvements and maximizing the comfort of using the product. Projects have included redesigning dashboards, conceptualization apps, optimizing platform navigation, creating unique data visualizations, and more. I put passion into my work and love seeing a happy user at the end of it.


Boston, MA

